Take Web Scraping Further with Mechanize

Recently, the class learned how to use Nokogiri to scrape webpages. A quick Google search reveals that this is indeed the most popular web scraping gem. But many people combine Nokogiri with another gem, Mechanize, to extend its functionality by automating some of the work of clicking the “next” button or creating profiles. This post is a quick writeup of my experiences with Mechanize. Please note that I ended up using Mechanize instead of Nokogiri, not in conjunction with it. This made parsing my html way more complicated than it had to be.

I followed a few different tutorials to do it, including this and this.

I created an example file, "mechanize_example.rb", to run from the command line. The ReadySteadyCode tutorial provides the following code snippet for getting a random wikipedia article and printing it to the terminal:

require 'mechanize'

mechanize = Mechanize.new

page = mechanize.get('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page')

link = page.link_with(text: 'Random article')

page = link.click

puts page.uri

The #link_with method is provided by mechanize, and makes it easy to pull out the random article link. The #click method instructs mechanize to follow the link, and the #uri method returns the address of the page. Notice that mechanize follows redirects automatically, so this example makes three HTTP requests in total.

I decided to see how far I could take this example by modifying the code to generate interesting data from other websites with “random” functions.

First, a simple change. I swapped out Wikipedia’s info for Reddit’s (I spend entirely too much time on Reddit anyway.) I was able to print random subreddits to my command line.

require 'mechanize'

mechanize = Mechanize.new

page = mechanize.get('http://www.reddit.com/')

link = page.link_with(text: 'random subreddit')

page = link.click

puts page.uri

This code yields such glorious random subreddits as http://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/ and http://www.reddit.com/r/AntiAntiJokes/.

But what else could I do besides print random urls to the command line? Could I also use it to give me the title of the top link on each page? Hint: yes.

require 'mechanize'

mechanize = Mechanize.new

page = mechanize.get('http://www.reddit.com/')

link = page.link_with(text: 'random subreddit')

page = link.click

first_link = page.search '/html/body/div/div/div/div/p/a'

puts page.uri
puts first_link.first.text.strip

Here’s where not using Nokogiri came back to haunt me: look at how complicated parsing the html had become. I was also getting error messages whenever the subreddit was empty (that means it contains no links.) But my command line printouts now magically included results like:

http://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/ Just framed this 1902 map up for my dad


http://www.reddit.com/r/Images/ Returned to my friends car to find this letter from 7 year old Justin

This idea can be taken so much further! I plan to extend it in the future by taking to the web and creating a game where people can vote on randomly generated subreddits that are pitted against each other. We’ll see which ones are the most popular by name alone.

I might also be able to use Mechanize to create a reddit bot that responds to regular expressions, but we’ll leave that for a theoretical time in the future when I understand regular expressions.


Due to popular demand, I’ve turned the subreddit generator into a gem! See: https://rubygems.org/gems/subreddit